History |
Vatakara is a commercial focal point in Calicut district with all the amenities vital for a modern township. There are many Hospitals, Colleges, Schools, Govt. sponsored Technical Education Centers, Recreation and pastime facilities. Vatakara is the land of Kalarippayattu.
Vatakara is known as the birth place of Thacholi Othenan - the legendary hero of the Vadakkanpattu (ballads of North Malabar), Vatakara boasts a great martial tradition and was a flourishing trade and commerce centre in ancient times.
Vatakara is also the birth place of Cherussery Namboodiripad, the great poet
In 1934, as part of a trip to Malabar for Harijan Fund Raising, Mahathma Gandhiji visited Vatakara. Sitting in Vatakara Kottapparambu near today's old bus stand, Gandhiji spoke the following wearing his genuine humour.
Vatakara has a prominent place in the folkore of Kerala.
National Highway 17 pass through Vatakara and many trains go through this place. After the introduction of the Konkan Railway, rail traffic has undergone a tremendous change. |
VATAKARA TALUK [Taluk Headquarter: Vatakara]
Ayancherry, Azhiyur, Chekkyad, Choradu, Edacherry, Eramala, Kavilumbra, Kayakodi, Kottuppally, Kunnummel, Kuttiyadi, Manyur, Maruthonkara, Nadapuram, Narippatta, Onchiyam, Palayadu, Puramary, Thiruvallure, Thuneri, Valayam, Vaninmel, Villyappally |
Kozhikode is a
historical town with
a hoary past. From
time immemorial, the
city attracted
travelers, with its
charming physical
features and
prosperity. Even
today , the glory of
Kozhikode Calicut)
has not faded.
Kozhikode was the
capital of Malabar
during the time of
Zamorins who where
ruling before the
British Rule in
India. It was
trading in spices
like black pepper
and cardamom with
the Jews, Arabs,
Phoenicians, Chinese
, Dutch and
Portuguese more than
500 years ago. |
The political
history of Kozhikode
is a story of
treacherous and ill
conspiracies hatched
by the Western
powers. Vasco De
Gama landed at
Kappad in May 1498,
as the leaders of a
trade mission from
Portugal and was
received by the
Zamorin himself. |
As Kozhikode offered
full freedom &
security, the Arab &
the Chinese
merchants preferred
it to all other
ports. |
The globe-trotter
Ibn Batuta (A.D.
1342-47) quotes: |
"We came next to
Calicut, one of the
great ports of the
district of Malabar,
and in which
merchants of all
parts are found."
The history of
Kozhikode district
as an administrative
unit begins from
January 1957. When
the states of the
Indian Union were
reorganized on
linguistic basis on
1st November, 1956,
the erstwhile
Malabar district was
separated from
Madras state (Tamil
Nadu) and added to
the new unilingual
state of Kerala. But
Malabar district was
found to be too
unwieldy for
Consequently the
state government
ordered the
formation of three
districts with
certain changes in
the boundaries of
some of the taluks.
The Kozhikode
district thus came
into existence on
1st January
consisting of five
taluks, Viz,
Vatakara, Koyilandy,
Kozhikode, Ernad &
Tirur. With the
formation of
malapuram district
on 1st June 1969 &
Wayandu on 1st
November 1980,
Kozhikode district
now consist of one
revenue division ,
three taluks, twelve
blocks, 77
panchayats and 117
villages. |
The Zamorins |
The Udaiyavar of
Ernad, whose
headquarters was at
Nediyiruppu wanted
an outlet to the sea
and after fighting
with the Polatthiri
King for 48 long
years conquered the
area around
Ponniankara and
build a fort at a
place called
Velapuram. Thus the
city of Calicut came
into existence
sometime in the 13th
Century AD.
With the accession
of Calicut, the
status of
increased and he
come to be known as
Swami Nambiyathiri
Thirumulpad, which
gradually became
Samuri or Samuthiri
over the years. The
Europeans called him
According to K.V.
Krishna Iyer, the
rise of Calicut is
at once a cause and
a consequence of
Zamorin's ascendancy
in Kerala. By the
end of the century,
Zamorin was at the
zenith of his powers
with all princes and
chieftains of Kerala
north of Cochin
acknowledging his
suzerainty. |
Vasco De Gamma
Vasco Da Gama
arrived in 1498 and
obtained permission
to carry out trade
from Calicut. The
Arabs sensing the
threat posed by
Portuguese to their
supremacy, opposed
the Europeans.
Bitter fights
started between
Portuguese and
Arabs. The
Portuguese went to
Cochin for trade and
the Raja of Cochin
had an alliance with
the Portuguese with
aim of attaining
sovereignty from
The hostilities
between the Zamorin
and the Portuguese
continued for many
decades and the role
played by the
Kunjali Marakkar in
these battles can
not been forgotten.
Kunjali Marakkars
were the hereditary
admirals of the
zamorin and
organized a powerful
navy to fight the
Portuguese. |
Kunajali |
Kunajali II, the
greatest of
Zamorin's Admirals,
fought bravely and
captured the
Portuguese ships and
massacred the crew
members. Kunjali III
built a fort at
Kottakkal and
enjoyed all the
privileges enjoyed
by the Nair chiefs.
This caused heavy
damages to the
Portuguese shipping
and trade but with
the defeats in 1528
and 1538 they lost
their glory.
The Portuguese built
a fort at Chaliyam
at the mouth of the
Baypore River in the
middle of the
Zamorin's territory.
Due to the prolonged
struggle, Zamorin's
deteriorated and
entered into a
treaty in 1540 and
allowed the
Portuguese to have
monopoly over trade
at Calicut port. The
peace was temporary
and war broke out
again resulting in
the demolition of
Chaliyom Fort in the
1571 by the Zamorin.
The battles
continued unabated
till 1588 when the
Portuguese were
allowed to settle
down at Calicut.
However Kunjali
opposed the move.
Moreover the Kunjali
IV declared himself
as the 'King of the
Moors' and disobeyed
the Zamorin. Zamorin
could not digest
this and sided with
Portuguese to
destroy the powerful
Kunjalis and in
1600, kunjalis
surrendered and were
executed. It was
really ironical that
Zamorins had to ally
with Portuguese and
to fight the
Kunjalis, who saved
the Calicut Kingdom
for decades in its
fight against
In the meanwhile,
the Dutch, English
and the French
arrived in Kerala.
Zamorins allowed the
Dutch to trade in
Calicut and sought
their help to drive
out the Portuguese.
The position of
Portuguese weakened
gradually due to
international events
and their position
in Kerala
deteriorated. Dutch
captured Cochin and
Cannanore and
established trade.
However, by 1721,
the Dutch formally
withdrew from all
interference in
native wars. |